Thursday 28 November 2013

Smokey Sweet Potato Cous Cous Mushroom Veggie Burgers

I'm just going to go ahead and throw a spanner in the works here with a savoury recipe. It would be cruel not to share this burger with you and y'know me I'm all about mixing things up. She says on a blog with only one other recipe of the savoury persuasion to speak of. This smokey sweet potato cous cous mushroom burger is so good Hannah and I had it every night last week for tea. I'd like to eat it every night this week too but assignments abound so I have no time to make more burgers.

Smokey sweet potato cous cous mushroom burgers. Mouthful or what. I didn't know which ingredients to leave out, if any, obviously I've left some off noone wants to read a title thirteen words long. I felt all the ingredients I included were keepers, they all add something to this burger and if one was omitted I'd feel a little bit like I was letting my fave burger down.

'Smokey' refers to the obviously important smoked paprika which I manage to sneak into every meal despite knowing full well Hannah isn't all too keen I think she's lying EVERYONE likes smoked paprika, sweet potatoes make up the bulk of the burger and provide the delicious sweetness that goes so well with paprika's smokiness mmmmm.

[Wholewheat] cous cous is an unusual addition to a burger, but it's another bulking agent that comes with the additional bonus of health benefits wooooo, its unusualness renders it title-necessary. Mushroom, well if you don't like mushrooms and I leave them out of the title, you'd get all excited about the recipe and read on to see it contains mushrooms - THE HORROR - and you wouldn't be a happy bunny. I don't care for unhappy bunnies so honesty was the best policy, although a dislike for mushrooms is something that is beyond me.

Just going to go ahead and inform you that those are shop bought bread buns in case you oddly thought otherwise. Ta v much indeed Marks and Spencer (yep pushed the boat out there my funds usually only stretch as far as lidl #studentlyf).

I could harp on for hours about how blummin' good these burgers are but long story short you could serve them up to all your meat eating friends and have a whale of a time. No complaints, no 'do you not just want a sausage?', no sir.


Makes 6-8 veggie burgers

2 cups mashed sweet potato (or 1 cup sweet potato + 1 cup white potato)
1 cup canned, drained chickpeas
1 cup canned, drained butter beans
1 large minced garlic clove
1/4 cup uncooked wholewheat cous cous
1/2 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup diced mushrooms
1 heaped tsp honey
1/2 tsp salt
pepper to taste
1.5 tsp smoked paprika (I'm not just being a snob when I say please make sure it is smoked it makes all the difference!!)
1/2 tsp cumin
1 medium free-range egg
2 slices of bread, toasted. I used a seedy loaf


1. Cook the potatoes how you like until you can stick a fork in them easy peasy, I prefer to steam mine for ease and speed.
2. Cook the cous cous as directed on the packet, for me the ratio of cous cous to water is 1:1.5 and it takes about five minutes. Once cooked fluff it up with a fork and leave to cool.
3. In a large mixing bowl mash the potatoes using a crap load of arm strength I mean REALLY mash those little fellas. Add the chickpeas, butter beans and minced garlic to the bowl and mash those in too. Good n proper.
4. Use a mini chopper/food processor to whiz the oats to a flour-like consistency. Add the oat flour and cooked cous cous to the bowl and mix in well followed by the mushrooms.
5. Add the honey, salt, pepper, smoked paprika and cumin and mix until evenly incorporated.
6. Crack the egg in a separate bowl or jug and whisk lightly. Pour this into the burger-bowl and stir in well.
7. Use your hands to mould the burger mixture into about 8 patties (6 if you like them bigger) with a 3" diameter (approx.).
8. Break the two slices of toast up and whiz in a food processor/mini chopper until you have fine bread crumbs. Transfer the bread crumbs to a shallow bowl wider than the burgers. Drop a burger into the bread crumbs, turning it over to make sure the edges are bread crumbed too. Repeat with all the burgers.
9. If cooking immediately, add a tablespoon of oil to a non-stick frying pan on medium-high heat. When the oil has heated up add the burger and cook for about 6 minutes on each side (flip them over to break the time up into 3,3,3,3) or until they are heated all the way through and have gone a deep golden brown. Serve them in a delicious bread bun with extra mature cheese and fancy trimmings - these burgers deserve the best ;)
10. If you have made more than you can eat, or are making them in advance, wrap each burger individually in clingfilm and either refrigerate if eating within a few days or freeze if you are making them even further in advance. Remember to increase the cooking time if cooking from frozen!

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