Friday 21 June 2013

Gooey Chewy Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookies

I haven't baked cookies in what seems like FOREVER. I have, however, eaten my body weight in Aldi's half coated chocolate chip cookies mmmmm. That being said, I decided - with all the free time I have on my hands now exams are done - to whip up a batch of gooey chewy salted caramel chocolate chip cookies.

Friday 14 June 2013

Rhubarb and Custard Tart with Sweet Almond Shortcrust Pastry

I have been coveting one of these lovely, delicate, oblong tart tins for a while now. As soon as my exams were over I took myself to Lakeland and bought one. I much prefer an oblong tart tin to a circular one, the finished dessert is much prettier and a little French looking - perfect.

Rhubarb is quickly becoming my favourite fruit. Once macerated to sweeten the rhubarb, the hint of tartness you still get is something I find wonderful, a refreshing break in an otherwise perfectly sweet tart.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Oreo Cheesecake Mini Bites

This is the quickest, easiest recipe in the world - and a no bake one! Perfect for those days that are far too hot to even toy with the thought of turning your oven on. These Oreo Cheesecake Mini Bites will be a hit with kids and adults alike as they are super tasty and have a secret hidden surprise at the bottom of the case in the form of a WHOLE OREO BISCUIT!

The crumbled Oreos in the cheesecake batter give an extra crunch to this delightfully sweet no-bake treat.

Sunday 9 June 2013

Vanilla Bean Pancakes for Two

I love Sunday morning breakfasts. I have enough time to prepare a feast for two without rushing around for uni or feeling guilty about not getting out of the house and doing something new and interesting. Sundays are my lazy day. Sunday is pancake day. Or more precisely, Vanilla Bean Pancake day... mmmmmm

Saturday 8 June 2013

Vanilla Bean Cakes with Cherry Swiss Meringue Buttercream

I talked a lot in the last post about the lovely fresh produce summer brings. Here is another example of that produce - these lovely, flavoursome, juicy cherries. I must admit most of these were eaten before I decided to use them to make cherry Swiss Meringue buttercream to top these lovely moist, light and fluffy vanilla bean cakes.

Thursday 6 June 2013

Almond Roulade with Lemon Curd and Fresh Strawberries

Much to my delight the lovely warm sunshine (when I say warm I mean 16 degrees C HA!) has been out consistently for the past few days now (touch wood touch wood touch wood - with every limb because I HAVE to). I cannot express how much I love the sun and how much difference I think it makes with regards to one's mood.Sun = happiness, ergo I must move to a warmer country or I am going to be one miserable munchkin by the time winter rolls back round. Gaaah. Never mind I should be quiet and make the most of it while it graces dreary England with its presence! That (make the most of it I mean!) is exactly what I did yesterday when I made this very summery almond roulade with lemon curd and fresh strawberries, took it off half completed to the bus station to meet Hannah and then on to the park for a well deserved picnic after the last few weeks of solid hard work!

In our picnic hamper were two cans of the delightfully refreshing cloudy lemonade (not as good as blood orange San Pellegrino but mmm thinking about it makes me want to run to the fridge and crack open my last can of cloudy lemonade which I have been saving for later), an onion bagel each - oh my goodness those things get tastier with age - cream cheese and a little jar of strawberries. I LOVE how much fruit this season brings to the markets in town. The copious amounts of fresh produce available (at a much lower price) is definitely one of my favourite things about summer.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Seriously Tasty Onion Bagels

Hello! Before I get to the post I want to apologize for being MIA over the last how many is it now.. nine days? Eeeesh crikey how rubbish of me. Anyhooo I am very sorry. Exams and whatnot got in the way then my mum came down for a very lovely two days (I have her stamp of approval on these onion bagels!) and since I still don't have a working camera and Hannah is at college I have to juggle shoots around her schedule too. Crazy. In other news, I think this is my first savoury post?! Look at me branching out!

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