Thursday 29 August 2013

Summer Berry Galette

I had never made a galette before this one and let me begin by telling you this is the easiest flippin' thing to bake EVER. In no time at all you can have pudding on the table hey presto. Bish bash bosh real good nosh.

Serve it with ice cream, custard, frozen yoghurt, you get the gist.

Fresh fruit is crazy expensive if you are a student in the UK (or anyone else in the UK really I should imagine) so I opted for the good ol' frozen variety.

I didn't let it defrost. I am an idiot. PLEASE let your frozen fruit defrost unless you want a great big puddle of burnt summer berry juice on the floor of your oven. My mother wasn't best impressed. My dad loved the smell it produced every time the oven was turned on and probably still does since I accidentally forgot to clean it up. You win some you lose some. But in the interest of my readers having spick and span ovens I highly recommend you defrost your frozen fruits before whacking them on top of your pastry and ushering a big frozen pile of berries into the oven.

Hehe I am a plonker. But hey ho the galette tasted AH-MAAAAZING. I had mine with fro-yo (delish)

I am at long last in my swanky (ok extremely basic, homely, what-i-can-afford but-who-cares-cos-its-my-first) flat in 'pool yeyyy! The kicker, however, is that I have no broadband as of yet, early September is the estimated date of connectivity wahhooo. I - once again exercising the prime plonker-ness I so possess - did not set up any sort of queue so I am editing photos offline and blogging when I can so I apologise for the even more so than usual sporadic posts.

In other foodie news, today I discovered a PERFECT Lebanese street food place on Bold Street so if you're ever in Liverpool seriously hit it up. Hannah and I were introduced to heart-stoppingly yummy Arabic food before we left 'pool for the summer by some of our friends and we miss it. We miss it baaaaadddd. So yeah, GO THERE. The staff are dead friendly too, always a bonus. I even tipped.

On to the recipe...


For the pastry:

150 g all-purpose flour
2 tbsp white granulated sugar (+ 2 tsp for sprinkling)
1 tsp salt
110 g unsalted butter
30 ml ice cold water

For the filling:

450 g frozen mixed summer berries
3 tbsp white granulated sugar (+/- depending on personal preference)
3 tsp cornflour
2 tbsp lemon juice


1. Leave your fruits out either over night in the fridge or on the counter for a few hours to defrost. Discard the juice. Or even better, save it to make a coulis to go on pancakes mmmmm. Pre heat the oven to 180 degrees C. In a large mixing bowl, sift together the flour, sugar and salt. Using your fingers cream in the butter to form a crumbly mixture. Add the ice cold water and bring the dough together into a smooth ball.
2. Cover your work surface with flour and roll the dough out into a circle about 0.5 cm thick and 25 cm in diameter. Now transfer this dough circle to a pre-lined baking sheet.
3. In another mixing bowl mix together the cornflour, lemon juice and sugar then gently stir in the defrosted summer berries. Pour this berry mixture into the middle of the dough circle and fold over the edges of the dough creating a mini pouch the whole way round to keep the berries in.
4. Sprinkle about 2 tsp of granulated sugar over the folded-over dough and bake in the oven for 30 - 40 minutes until the crusts are turning golden brown.
5. Serve, share, eat and ENJOY :)

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