Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Taormina, Sicily

In between finishing my exams, going to Italy, moving out, getting my results and planning mine and H's one month Europe backpacking trip we embark upon in less than a week there really has not been much time for baking or bloggin'. Or cooking for that matter (baked beans will be removed from my weekly grocery list from here on out). But baking aside I thought I'd share with you some photos (a travel post on an up-to-now-solely-baking-related blog WHAT IS GOING ON!?) from my recent trip to Taormina, Italy where I was on super cool synthetic biology course listening to some of the smartest people i've ever been in the presence of, feeling slightly out of my depth as I was the baby in the room but having a whale of a time discussing science, eating great food and gelato everyday and making some really fab new pals. Snaps below!

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