Wednesday 11 September 2013

Healthy (ish) Wholewheat Pizza Rolls

I am surprising you all with a SAVOURY post! That's right, I've delved into the savoury world for the second time. Something has gone wrong (or right) with my taste buds. ALL I want at the moment is bags and bags of CHIPS (I mean chip chips as in fish and chip chips although I am popping down to the Tesco located all too conveniently below my flat for salt and vinegar crisps on a daily basis HA!)

Tesco bakery (I know, I'm proper fancy right? DON'T JUDGE ME I AM A STUDENT ANYTHING GOES) sells these wonderful 'tomato, cheese and garlic swirlies' - crap name but cracking concept - and as I was merrily sauntering through Liverpool One, tomato, cheese and garlic swirley in hand I thought I will make these and give them a less irritating name  I can make a tastier HEALTHIER version of these bad boys.

And that I did.

Don't they look yummy. More cheese next time. Would totes be defeating the 'healthy' object. Oh well. Yum.

I used tomato chilli pesto and a wicked combination of canned chopped tomatoes and left over pasta sauce (get me aren't I frugal) but ANY tasty combination of chopped toms, passata and pasta sauce would be dandy. This recipe is a really great way to use up those half cartons/tins/jars you just did not need for your last tea. (My Kuwaiti friend did not know what tea was when I first said it so to anyone not yet acquainted with 'tea' it means 'dinner'. Except dinner means tea because tea is the meal one eats on an evening. Not dinner. Wrong. Hashtag controversial.)

I also made another photo recipe thingy. Which I saved and uploaded twice because apparently I can't spell mozzarella hahahaha all is good now though nobody fret.



For the dough

500 g strong wholewheat bread flour
1 tbsp white granulated sugar
1 tsp salt
1 x 7 g sachet of dried, fast action yeast
300 ml luke-warm water

For the filling

150 g tomato chilli pesto or a similar tomato based pesto (or half to a whole small jar dep. on personal taste)
1/2 can chopped tomatoes (about 1 cup) or passata or pasta sauce
1/2 tsp salt
Large handful of fresh plum tomatoes, finely chopped (optional)
1/4 - 1/2 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp dried mixed herbs (or fresh if you are that way inclined)
125 g mozzarella, finely chopped or grated


1. In a large mixing bowl combine the flour (minus a mug full), sugar, salt and yeast. Make a well and pour in the water. Using a wooden spoon bring the mixture to a craggy mass.
2. Pour the flour in the mug onto a work surface then tip the craggy mass out onto it. Knead the dough until all the flour is incorporated.
3. Coat another large mixing bowl (I actually used the same one I just scraped all the remaining dough into the bin first but I am admittedly pretty lazy) in a generous amount of olive oil. Place the ball of dough into the bowl, cover in clingfilm and leave the bowl in a warm place for an hour, until the dough has doubled in size.
4. Once the dough has doubled, pre heat the oven to 200 degrees C and on a floured surface roll the dough out into a rectangle approx. 30x50 cm. Now would also be a good time to line 1 large or 2 small baking trays.
5. Spread the pesto onto the dough rectangle - right to the edges!
6. In a small bowl mix the canned toms (or alternative), fresh toms, salt, paprika and herbs. Spread this mixture on top of the pesto then scatter the mozzarella on top.
7. Roll the dough up into a long sausage shape starting with one of the longer edges and rolling it towards you. Chop this pizza sausage into about 16 equal rolls.
8. Arrange the rolls on one or two lined baking trays and bake for 15 - 20 minutes until they have turned golden brown and you can see the cheese has crisped.
7. Serve, share, eat and ENJOY :)

These lasted four days in my house (there are two of us HA!) and they were just as good on the fourth day as they were on the first :) I kept them in an air tight tin.

You could listen to this while you make them if you would like. It's good I promise.


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